If you are a human hair bundles lover, you might hear of deep parting lace closure. They have been sprung up recently. As a professional human hair supplier, many of our customers require deep parting closure or frontal. So what do you know about it?
As we all know, lace closure is used to make a sew-in and cover the top of your head so that you can create hair part in the front. Human hair closures come in different sizes, the most common is 4×4 lace closure. With the high requirement of hair, there are also 5×5. 6×6 even 7×7 lace closure in hair market. 6×6 lace closure was highly required by our customers. It goes a little further probably to the temples of your hairline. So it also called deep parting lace closure. Besides, 6 inches larger lace size at the front, you can easily part your closure as you want, free part, middle part, or side part. So that’s the biggest advantage of 6×6 lace closure. If you want to do more flexible styling, 6×6 lace closure is a good choice, it is not as expensive as lace frontal, however, it can achieve almost the same look as frontal.

If deep parting means the part goes further than 4 by 4 lace closure, so we can also define deep parting lace lace frontal such as 13×6 lace frontal. Lace frontal is a half wig which goes from ear to ear and is sewn with approximately 3-4 bundles of hair, it covers more than lace closure, so lace frontal is more flexible in parting. Normal lace frontal is 13×4 lace frontal, but 13×6 lace frontal emerged in hair market as well to demand more people demand, larger lace space, deeper parting, 13×6 lace frontal is well-known and popular among women.
Not only 6×6 lace closure, 13×6 lace closure, but is 13×6 lace front wig attracted by girls as well. They are free of customizing wigs by their stylists and can also get an affordable and comfortable lace wig, besides, extra long parting space can make you part your hair anywhere. 13×6 deep parting lace front wig has so many advantages that many African American women go for it.

In Tinashe Hair, you can find different types of hair, Brazilian hair, Peruvian hair, Malaysian hair, hair bundles with 4×4 lace closure, 6×6 closure and 7×7 lace closure, there are also all kinds of wigs available, 13×4 lace front wig, 13×6 lace front wig, full lace wig and blonde wig. Different hairstyles just what you are looking for. No matter what hair do you want, you will find the perfect one for yourself.