1. What are Tinashe Hair Reward Points?
Reward Points are our way of rewarding our loyal customers for buying from Tinashe Hair. The points are awarded automatically to your account if you place order, register, sign in and so on. Which means that returning customers can quickly build up a large number of points – the more you spend and do, the more you get.
2. Register A Tinashe Account If You Want To Get Points

After you register an account, you will see your pointS in your account, and you can get 50 points after you register.

3. How Can I Get More Points?
- How much you spend, how many points you will get, which means $1=1 Reward Point, such as $254=254 Reward Points.
- The more you spend this time, the more points you will get and the more you will save for your next order.
4. How Much Are Reward Points Worth?
- Every 20 points worth $1, more points more money like that:
- 20 Reward Points = $1;
- 100 Reward Points = $5;
- 1000 Reward Points = $50;
5. How Can I Use My Points?
- You can use your points in cart page if your points more than 20.
- Cart page will show a message to tell you how many points you have and how much your points worth.
- Click Redeem Points, it will apply points automatically.
- Then you will see the points discount in Subtotal
6. How Do I Check My Points Balance?
When you log into “My Account” on Tinashe Hair, you will find a tab called “Points” you can check your current point summary here and your previous history that when you got and spent them…